NHN Patient Resource Library


Nebraska Health Network offers a number of educational resources to help you proactively manage your health.

Daily Self Check Series

The NHN Daily Self Check Series helps you understand chronic conditions and potential signs that you need to engage your provider. At-a-glance, you can see whether you are in the Green, Yellow or Red Zone and what the recommended next steps are.

Resources in the Daily Self Check series are available in English and Spanish and include: 

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • Diabetes
DailySelfCheck - Collateral

Colorectal Screening Guide

This resource reviews the screening options available for colorectal cancer and which methodology is best for you based on your symptoms, family history and overall needs. Available in English and Spanish.


Pediatric and Adolescent Vaccination Guide

The World Health Organization announced that 25 million infants across the world missed lifesaving vaccines in 2021. Discover which vaccinations are right for your family and the important benefits to help keep you AND your loved ones healthy. 


Managing Obesity

One in five deaths in the U.S. can be attributed to obesity, according to the American Journal of Public Health. Obesity impacts 93.3 million people in the United States, yet there is little education in public schools about it. NHN's patient resource helps define obesity, discusses the health implications of weight, provides lifestyle tips and includes a patient tracking resource to help your manage weight.


Adult Immunization Resource: Now is the Time to Immunize

Many infectious diseases in the U.S. have been greatly reduced or eliminated, thanks to vaccines. You may not have realized that you need vaccines throughout your adult life. The NHN’s Immunization resource helps you stay up-to-date on vaccines and includes:
  • Recommended vaccines for adults
  • Common diseases and the vaccines that prevent them
  • Where to go for your immunizations

Women's Health: Infographic

NHN's Women's Health infographic highlights the power of women in health care, tips to help you focus on your preventive health and more. 


Men's Health: Infographic

NHN’s Men’s Health infographic helps men maintain a balanced lifestyle. This resource highlights:
  • Top screenings for men
  • Recommended exercises for men
  • Choosing a multivitamin
Improve your overall health with our Men’s Health infographic and Men’s Health resource.

Men's Health: Maintaining a Balanced Lifestyle

This resource highlights the importance of preventive care and screenings in Men's Health. It walks through common illnesses, symptoms and healthy tips to improve your overall health and well being.


Telehealth: Receiving Care Virtually

Virtual health care is becoming more and more relevant as technology advances. Are you curious how it works and whether Telehealth is the best choice for your needs? Download our patient resource guide to learn more including:

  • What appointments are appropriate for virtual care
  • What to expect during a Telehealth visit
  • How to prepare when meeting with your provider virtually

Fall Risk Prevention

Falls can be devastating and according to the Centers for Disease Control, they are the leading cause of non-fatal injuries among adults. One out of every 10 falls causes a serious injury, such as a hip fracture or head injury, often requiring hospitalization. This educational resource reviews household modifications that can help reduce your risk of falls.

Women's Health Brochure

This resource highlights the importance of breast and cervical cancer screenings and provides a "guide through the ages" to help you identify which screenings are most important based on your age.

Why am I sick? Virus or Bacteria

When you don't feel well, your top focus is getting better fast. Depending on your illness, taking an antibiotic may be just what you think you need to begin the healing process. Learn more about viruses and bacterial infections and when an antibiotic is most appropriate. 

Determining What Level of Care is Best for Your Needs: A Guide to Care Options

When you need medical assistance, it can be difficult to know where to go. These NHN patient resources addresses some common symptoms that you may experience, and which level of care is most appropriate for you including primary care, urgent care or a trip to the emergency department. 

Choosing a Provider: Resources for Medicare Beneficiaries

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have a number of resources to help Medicare beneficiaries select their primary clinician through a process called Voluntary Alignment.
CMS defines a primary clinician as the individual that a beneficiary wants to coordinate their overall care, regardless of where they choose to get services. By selecting the clinician online, CMS explains if you are a Medicare beneficiary, your doctor may have greater access to tools and services to help guide your care.
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