Post-Acute Care

Preferred Network

NHN's Post-Acute Care Strategy helps improve the patient's experienced throughout their care journey. We have a preferred SNF network with facilities across the Omaha metro and Council Bluffs. 


Informed Choice Document

This document can help you and your caregivers make informed choices when selecting a Skilled Nursing Facility. We encourage you to visit the CMS Nursing Home Compare website at, which features a quality rating system that gives each nursing home a rating of between one and five stars. Nursing homes with five stars are considered to have higher than average quality and nursing homes with one star are considered to have quality much below average. Please keep in mind that this is only a guide and cannot address all of the considerations that go into selecting the facility that is best for you. Download our guide to learn more.

3-Day Waiver

Medicare patients have to stay in a hospital for three days in a row before Medicare will pay for their stay at a skilled nursing facility. This is called the skilled nursing facility 3-day rule. Some ACOs are approved for a skilled nursing facility 3-day rule waiver and have partnered with skilled nursing facilities. This means you may be able to get skilled nursing and/or rehabilitative care in a skilled nursing facility without staying at a hospital first. Download our 3-Day Waiver Overview to learn more. 

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